How to increase brain power?
How Can You Boost Your Brain Power With Productivity Tips? increase brain power It may seem strange to ask, but how much time do you devote to thinking about your brain? Do you ever think about how brilliant it is and how powerful it is? That your entire body is controlled by a massive electrical muscle? Or, at the very least, check in and give your brain a spring cleaning and a refresh once and then? If you're like the majority of people, the answer is probably no. Your brain is working nonstop for you, and you aren't even aware of it. Most of us rarely consider investing in some brain-training on a regular basis. For a long time, scientists believed we were enslaved by the brain we were born with. Thankfully, with the arrival of a new idea, that theory was thrown out the window. Enter neuroplasticity, a hypothesis that has demonstrated one very astounding fact: our brains can adapt. It means that it's perfectly fine if you're not particularly bright in one area. Y