How to get rid of dandruff

 What Is the Best Way to Get Rid of Dandruff?

Dandruff A flaky scalp may be a bother regardless of the season. What is the best way to get rid of dandruff? Here are some pointers on how to deal with your head case so you can start wearing real black once again.

Dandruff  According to Dr. Zenovia Gabriel of Zena Medical, dandruff is caused by a fungus called malassezia. Many individuals have Malassezia on their skin naturally, however dandruff is caused by an excess or imbalance of the fungus. Our bodies are continually losing dead skin cells, but an increase in malassezia causes the body to create and lose skin cells more quickly and at a pace that is harmful to our health. Overgrowth of Malassezia may be caused by a variety of factors, including age, hormones, and stress.

1. Alter your eating habits

get rid of dandruff  Poor nutrition, according to Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, a dermatologist in New York, may cause dandruff. "High-carbohydrate diets may cause glycogen accumulation in the skin, which yeast feeds on." "Although there is limited proof, the same foods that induce acne may increase dandruff," says Dr. Zeichner. Sugary meals and dairy products stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing the skin to generate more oil. If you're prone to dandruff, you may need to limit your carbohydrate and sugar intake.

2. Increase the frequency with which you wash your hair

We live in the golden era of dry shampoo, when your blowout may last as long as your last succulent. This may be adding to your scalp's whiteness. " There's a trend currently to leave natural oils on your scalp for extended periods of time, but this might exacerbate the condition, according to Elizabeth Cunnane-Phillips, a trichologist at the Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic. When there is more oil on the skin, yeast levels grow. "Oils and dead skin cells collect much more as a consequence of irregular hair cleaning," says Dr. Weiser. Patients with dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis should wash their hair at least once a week to prevent buildup."

3. Exfoliating your scalp is a good idea.

This is, in fact, a thing. Exfoliating your scalp gently removes the top layer of dry skin, similar to exfoliating your face. Exfoliators for the scalp often use tiny doses of salicylic acid (more frequently seen in acne treatments) or granules that dissolve to remove dead skin. According to Dr. Weiser, the latter are "very beneficial in breaking down the dead skin cells that build on the scalp and cause flaking." Dr. Gabriel suggests using an exfoliating hair scrub twice a week on wet, shampooed hair, and reading the instructions to ensure you keep it on for the proper amount of time.

4. Make use of a certain shampoo.

get rid of dandruff   All of the specialists consulted for this article agree that the most effective and fastest approach to cure dandruff is to use a specialized dandruff shampoo. They include zinc or sulfur, which may suppress yeast populations, and can be bought by prescription (for stronger stuff) or over-the-counter. While dandruff shampoos aren't exactly sensual washing experiences, the days of stinky Selsun Blue are long gone. They haven't become fashionable, but their odor and packaging are no longer repulsive.

What is dandruff how is it caused?

Dandruff is caused by little particles of dry skin being shed from the scalp. These flakes may be found in your hair or on your shoulders. Dandruff might also irritate your scalp. It's a frequent issue, but it's not as straightforward as it seems. Because it overlaps with seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic type of eczema) and other skin disorders that generate a scaly scalp, dandruff is difficult to characterize. Here's all you need to know about it.

The unmistakable spots of white flakes on the scalp, made up of dead skin, that come free in your hair are a strong indicator that you may have dandruff. Other indicators, according to the Merck Manual, include:

How do I get rid of dandruff completely?

Dandruff is a condition that causes itchy, white flakes of skin to appear on your scalp. It may be inconvenient and unsightly to deal with. Other signs and symptoms include oily areas on the scalp and tingling skin.

Tea tree oil is effective against a particular type of fungus that may cause both seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, according to an earlier study. Another research discovered that putting tea tree oil-soaked placental tissue to the skin was more successful than using a prescription antifungal to repair sores caused by this fungus


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