Weight Loss Challenge – Just Lose It?

Keto Complete Wellness Committee agreed early this year that hosting a weight loss challenge at work would be enjoyable.

For a long time, we've been Keto Complete of Workplace Wellness at Creation (I'd like to take a moment to recommend the Wellness Council of America's Well Workplace programme to other firms).

Over the last decade, television shows like NBC's The Biggest Loser have grown in popularity, focused at combating obesity and encouraging people and communities to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Keto Complete figured we'd take advantage of this type of collective challenge to keep us motivated and have some fun!

image source: creationtech

Exactly what the doctor prescribed

We distributed brochures, sent emails, and told everyone about our new challenge, Just Lose It! It turned out to be exactly what a lot of our employees were looking for Keto Complete.

We requested people to form small teams (minimum of 2 persons and maximum of 5) and sign up to participate in this weight reduction challenge because support and accountability are vital factors in a weight loss challenge like this one.

We had teams and 82 participants at the first weigh-in on March 1st, much to our delight! That's roughly one-third of our Milwaukee population.

image source: Keto Complete

Support & Motivation for Weight Loss

Keto Complete realised we'd need some professional help and guidance. Kim Flannery, a nutritionist at the Wisconsin Athletic Club, got us began by explaining what kind of nutrition our bodies require and how to obtain it. Her session drew almost 140 individuals! We continue to use some of her blog's advice and recipes of Keto Complete

Keto Complete have been walking together for several months, weighing in and trying to hold ourselves and our partners accountable. For some of us, as with any worthwhile assignment, it has been a struggle, while others have excelled.

Keto Complete weigh-in will be held soon, and the winners will be announced at our Spring Wellness Walk. We'll make sure to keep you up to date!

Are you arranging a wellness event for your workplace? What advice would you provide to folks who are seeking to motivate and organise a weight-loss challenge?

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